Saturday, April 30, 2011

May's Theme: LOVE is in the AIR!

Ah, Scribblers. May--a time when the scent of blossoms,  fresh cut grass and LOVE is in the air! It can be the LOVE of art, books, children, pets…or illustration. And to add to this month’s theme there is a special new groovy CHALLENGE!!!

To celebrate our S.C.B.W.I. Spring CRAFTfest in Ann Arbor, all Scribblers attending the conference are invited to participate in a Special Scribbler Sketchcrawl---Here is what you do.

Whilst attending the conference, SKETCH a moving moment, a silly scene, or a sparkling speaker--any scribbling thought or idea will do. Then post it along with your MAY artful contribution. Share your art and show the world how much you loved the conference and especially how much you LOVE being an illustrator!

To see some examples of "sketchcrawl" art, check out the S.C.B.W.I. British Isle’s Sketchcrawl:

Lori Taylor

 Deadline:  May 31

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